

If you plan to use one TestRail Run ID for autotests, then you need to make changes to the TestRail database.

  1. Connect to DB (for example mysql)

    mysql -u 'testrail@' -pPASSWORD testrail
  2. Remove restrictions from statuses

    UPDATE statuses SET is_final=0;



More clearly the module connecting mechanism is shown in the buggy-min-example module.

Configuring pom.xml

If buggy is not used as a parent project


If buggy is used as parent project


Configuring project



If you do not use custom statuses, then this item can be skipped.

To manage statuses and transfer custom statuses, you need to create a class implementing the StatusMapper<> interface and define your own mapping for the statuses used. This is necessary in order for match statuses used in Buggy with TestRail statuses. For example:

import org.touchbit.buggy.core.model.Status;
import org.touchbit.buggy.testrail.StatusMapper;
import org.touchbit.testrail4j.core.type.Statuses;

public class StatusMap implements StatusMapper<Status> {

    public long getId(Status status) {
        switch (status) {
            case SUCCESS:       return Statuses.PASSED.getId();
            case BLOCKED:       return Statuses.BLOCKED.getId();
            case UNTESTED:      return Statuses.UNTESTED.getId();
            case FAILED:        return Statuses.FAILED.getId();
            case FIXED:         return Statuses.CUSTOM_STATUS1.getId();
            case IMPLEMENTED:   return Statuses.CUSTOM_STATUS2.getId();
            case CORRUPTED:     return Statuses.CUSTOM_STATUS3.getId();
            case EXP_FIX:       return Statuses.CUSTOM_STATUS4.getId();
            case SKIP:          return Statuses.CUSTOM_STATUS5.getId();
            case EXP_IMPL:      return Statuses.CUSTOM_STATUS6.getId();
                throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled status received: " + status);


Create a listener inherited from the class DefaultTestRailListener and, if necessary, pass your specific StatusMapper to the super class. For example:

import org.touchbit.buggy.testrail.listeners.DefaultTestRailListener;

public class TestRailListener extends DefaultTestRailListener {

    public TestRailListener() {
        super(new StatusMap());


Or develop your own listener like DefaultTestRailListener with your own implementation of the afterInvocation (IInvokedMethod, ITestResult) method




Custom StatusMapper


Default StatusMapper
